
Trying my very best to help you and your skin

Published : 26/08/2022 - Categories : Angelas skincare advice

Angela Langford Skincare

It seems the world has gone absolutely crazy.

From trying to cope with a pandemic for the first time in over a hundred years; to an environmental crisis delivering record heatwaves and drought (with no real signs of slowing down); to the biggest living crisis the UK has seen for years.

And then they announce the energy price cap (cap, really!?) has gone up another 80% today - with it due to go up by nearly double again, next Spring.

We have all been affected by these issues, all at the same time - life is hard right now.

For a business owner like myself, things have never been so bad.

The price of everything is rocketing up - raw ingredients for my skincare recipes have in some cases more than doubled in recent weeks; the packaging I use has either gone up, or is out of stock for months (or both!). Of course the energy to make my skincare has gone crazy; the postage to send everything; the duty on shipping ingredients and equipment from the EU... I could go on and on.

All of this of course means that prices have to go up for my natural skincare products... but I am holding on as best I can!

So many brands that I personally use - whether it be food, clothes, haircare or entertainment - have had to send the most difficult of emails to say sorry, but prices are going up.

Whilst I can completely understand where they are coming from, for me personally I just cannot see how I can increase prices right now, at a time when everything is going up and up and people are really struggling.

So for now, my prices will stay as they are.

Whilst my skincare range certainly isn't the cheapest out there, I believe it is one of the best value for money brands out there - if not because a little of my skincare recipes goes a really long way!

It might (or probably will) have to go up one day - but for the time being, I am desperately trying to keep my prices the same they have been since October 2016!

It is not easy - but thanks to you and your support over the years, I have managed to juggle things in order to keep our business above water, whilst providing you with the best natural skincare and the best customer service I can.

I always end my blogs, or my emails with a line that says that I am always here to help - and it is true!

As a consumer I have bought so many products over the years where it seems as soon as your money is taken, that is it - so I have always been determined that when you pay me for your favourite skincare products, that is where the journey starts!

I want you and your skin to be the best it can be - so please, do get in touch with me! You can contact me via any of the following...

Thank you once again for your continued loyalty, your support and encouragement. I know that when it comes to natural skincare, your choice has never been so wide ranging. Thank you for choosing my little skincare brand. 

We love our little business - I am forever grateful that you do too.

Whatever your plans, I hope you have a lovely weekend.

Best wishes
Angela x

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Karen B

24/09/2022 20:47:44

I have just read your blog Angela and my heart goes out to you in these difficult times with rising costs etc. I appreciate your honesty and your loyalty to your customers regarding prices. Yes, as you say, we have a great choice when it comes to skincare and i am a skincare junkie and i do try many brands but i always return to you for - in my opinion - your best ever product Bloom & Glow. When i first came across your brand four years ago you were extremely helpful when i contacted you regarding my skin flare up and i have never forgotten it. Yet again, regardless of what i am using, your perfect oil is always one i will return to. Thank you and keep up the great work x