
roasted chia & aubergines

Published : 28/10/2015 - Categories : angela's recipes

roasted chia seeds and aubergine recipe from Angela Langford

Totally delicious & very easy to make, I love cooking this dish on Meat Free Mondays! This recipe serves 4 as a side dish or for 2 as a main course with rice.

2 medium aubergines

vegetable oil

2 inch piece of fresh ginger

2 tbsp white miso paste

4 tbsp mirin

dash of soy sauce

3 tsp chia seeds

2 tsp sesame seeds

Heat your oven to 180°C. Slice your aubergines into two lengthways through the middle, keeping the stem intact. Slash the flesh lengthways and across the middle to make a diamond pattern, brush with vegetable oil. Put onto a baking sheet and into the hot oven to cook for about 25 – 35 minutes until soft.

Meanwhile finely grate the ginger (you can keep the skin on if you want a little extra heat). In a small saucepan add the miso paste, mirin, ginger & soy. Heat, stirring all the time to melt the paste into a sauce and stir. Heat a dry frying pan and add the chia seeds & sesame seeds and toast for a few minutes.

When the aubergines are soft, brush them with the warm miso sauce - enough to coat really well and sprinkle with the chia & sesame seeds. Put back into the oven for 5 – 10 minutes until well glazed and bubbling. Serve warm as a side dish or as a main with rice.


Angela x

Why chia seeds are your recipe for great skin
Chia seed oils an amazing source of omega 3 making it a real multi-tasker: it’s great for treating all skin types - helping to repair skin that has sun damage, fine lines or scars; through to balancing oiliness and improving the appearance of open pores. With such versatility, it’s no wonder this is one of my favourite ingredients in your recipes for great skin.  

Chia seed oilis found in the following products: bloom & glow face oil, thirsty work moisturiser & balancing act moisturiser.

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